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Item no.: 106081
Title: Cuphead in the Delicious Last Course
Release:  UK 30-06-2022NORDIC 30-06-2022US 30-06-2022
Platform: PCOnline: TBA
Genre: ActionAge: 12
Publisher: Studio MDHRStorage: The last are not in store
Updated: 02-07-2022EAN: 

 0,00 Danish
  Also on: XbOne NS PS4 

Another helping of classic Cuphead action awaits you in Cuphead - The Delicious Last Course!

Brothers Cuphead and Mugman are joined by the clever, adventurous Ms. Chalice for a rollicking adventure on a previously undiscovered Inkwell Isle! With the aid of new weapons, magical charms, and Ms. Chalice's unique abilities, players will take on a new cast of fearsome, larger than life bosses to assist the jolly Chef Saltbaker in Cuphead's final challenging quest!


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